79th Annual Giving in Style Show at Leigh's of Breton Village!

May 7, 2025, 5:30-9 PM

We are excited to welcome you to our 79th annual Giving in Style Show at Leigh’s of Breton Village!

Please complete this form to register.

All checks can be made payable to Babies’ Welfare Guild and mailed to PO Box 6645 Grand Rapids, MI 49516.


Please note that tickets are $100 per person when you mail a check and $110 per person when purchased online due to credit card processing fees.

Click here to purchase tickets online.


Runway Sponsor - $25,000

12 event tickets.

-Recognition of your company or organization in pre-publicity and during our “Giving in Style” event. (Babies’ Welfare Guild Website and Social Media platforms)

-Your own Sponsorship sign at the event and a customized benefit.

Haute Couture Sponsor - $10,000

10 event tickets.

-Recognition of your company or organization in pre-publicity and during our “Giving in Style” event. (Babies’ Welfare Guild Website and Social Media platforms)

Couture Sponsor - $5,000

8 event tickets.

-Recognition of your company or organization in pre-publicity and during our “Giving in Style” event. (Babies’ Welfare Guild Website and Social Media platforms)

In Vogue Sponsor - $2,500

6 event tickets.

-Recognition of your company or organization in pre-publicity and during our “Giving in Style” event. (Babies’ Welfare Guild Website and Social Media platforms)

Designer Sponsor - $1,500

4 event tickets.

-Recognition of your company or organization in pre-publicity and during our “Giving in Style” event. (Babies’ Welfare Guild Website and Social Media platforms)

If you have any questions, please email us at gala@bwguild.org